Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Ethics of Means and Ends Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ethics of Means and Ends - Assignment Example I will not allow my personal life get into the way of my duties as I am needed to stay focused on resolving all problems by ensuring the means to an end is based entirely on the truth, honesty and moral values. I will enforce the law cautiously without fear or favor and never use unnecessary force or violence. Moreover, I will not accept gratitude and or gifts as these are not ethically just. Lastly, I would be a leader, stay focused, conduct myself soberly, honorable and obey superior officials within the departments. Ethical issues involved with balancing means and ends in the criminal justice field include eradicating such incidences like police brutality, corruption, abuse of power, changing testimonies, planting evidence just to mention but a few. As a criminal justice profession, I aim to look into these issues and scrap them off the force. This I intend to do by installing and or revising the code of ethics. It is imperative to know that an understanding of ethics is of the essence to competent decision-making by leaders in criminal justice system. EI am convicted that leadership in the criminal justice system is founded on pure ethical dynamics. As a leader in this system, I aim to be an excellent example to my subordinates, as well as preach on the just ethical

Monday, October 28, 2019

Guidelines for Writing the Three Major Parts of the Literature Review Essay Example for Free

Guidelines for Writing the Three Major Parts of the Literature Review Essay The introductory section should describe the topic (problem area, guiding concept, theme or research question or problem) that is being reviewed. Aim for an â€Å"eye catching opening sentence†. Sometimes this is a dramatic expression of a number to catch the reader’s attention such as the prevalence of a disease, crime rate, school drop out rate, or sales volume. Be sure the topic is focused on the literature that will be reported. Briefly define the key concepts. Introduce these immediately. The topic should be sufficiently focused to permit an in-depth, substantial investigation, relevant to an area of advanced study/global leadership that guides a range of inquiry, results in an extensive search of scholarly literature, and generation of questions for further inquiry. The purpose of a literature review is presented in the introduction. Bourner (1996) reports the following Purposes – of a literature review – (reasons for a review of the literature) before embarking on a research project. These reasons include: †¢ to identify gaps in the literature  Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ to avoid reinventing the wheel (at the very least this will save time and it can stop you from making the same mistakes as others) †¢ to carry on from where others have already reached (reviewing the field allows you to build on the platform of existing knowledge and ideas) †¢ to identify other people working in the same fields (a researcher network is a valuable resource) †¢ to increase your breadth of knowledge of your subject area †¢ to identify seminal works in your area †¢ to provide the intellectual context for your own work, enabling you to position your project relative to other work †¢ to identify opposing views †¢ to put your work into perspective †¢ to demonstrate that you can access previous work in an area †¢ to identify information and ideas that may be relevant to your project †¢ to identify methods that could be relevant to your project Bourner, T. (1996). The research process: Four steps to success in T. Greenfield (Ed. ), Research methods: Guidance for postgraduates (pp. 7-11). London: Arnold. Retrieved 8-13-02 from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology RMIT University http://www. lib. rmit. edu. au/tutorials/literature/litrev. html As you attempt to define concepts (variables) and their relationships to other variables, if applicable, identify causal (independent) variables and effects (dependent variables). You may also identify other variables that can be contextual, intervening, or mediating (see Creswell, pp. 94-95 or other texts). After you introduce the topic area properly (instructions follow), you will develop a succinct one-sentence purpose of the review. Three examples of a concluding purpose statement in the overview are: Example 1: The purpose of this review is to critically analyze the theoretical and empirical literature on web-based instruction as an instructional method in distance education, with an emphasis on effectiveness studies that focus on instructional effectiveness, student learning outcomes, retention, student perceptions of this method of course delivery, and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variable (independent) is â€Å"instructional method of web-based instruction† and the effects (dependent variable) are instructional effectiveness, student learning outcomes, retention, and student perceptions. Example 2: The purpose of this critical analysis of theoretical and empirical literature is to (a) examine historical and current literature to evaluate whether gender workplace bias exists; (b) explore the impact such a bias would have on women in the workplace, specifically women moving up the corporate ladder; and, (c) identify any theoretical or empirical gaps in the literature for the purpose of suggesting future areas of scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variable (independent) is â€Å"gender bias against women in the workplace† and the effect (dependent variable) is mobility up the corporate ladder. Example 3 (Review carefully): The purpose of this critical analysis of theoretical and empirical literature is explore the influence of organizational leadership and other factors on organizational performance, in for-profit and not-for profit service organizations, and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. In this example, the causal variables (independent) are â€Å"organizational leadership† and â€Å"other factors†, contextual (intervening or mediating) variables are the type of organization (product versus service) and profit/non-profit, and the effect (dependent variable) is organizational performance. Please note in developing your purpose statement, that the purpose statement begins with The purpose of †¦. and concludes with a statement related to identifying future areas of scholarly inquiry. 9 Instructions: Writing An Overview and Purpose (Follow precisely) *Review Blackboard Forum 5. Use your information and faculty comments for strengthening, as a guide to develop your Overview and Purpose (see items #1-9 below). *Draft 1 is due Week 3. Review Forum 6. You will get a great start if you develop this well. 1. Using the template: a. Develop a preliminary title for the Review and include on the title page. The title should include the main concepts and themes (and/or key theories) for this review. Remember this is a critical analysis of the literature NOT a research study!!!! In no area of this paper, should you refer to this Review of Literature as a research study!!!!!! b. For the Introduction to the Literature, insert a brief subtitle preceding the colon for the level heading: ___: Overview and Purpose. 2. Under the Overview and Purpose, introduce the paper with an â€Å"eye catching† opening sentence for the first paragraph. 3. After the â€Å"eye catching† opening sentence, briefly – describe the topic (problem area, guiding concept, theme). Get to the point – don’t let the reader guess what the review is about a few sentences. 4. Next include brief definitions of each of the major concepts and cite references for these definitions in appropriate APA format. BE BRIEF – this is not the literature but an introduction to it! Anything you present in the introduction is developed in depth in the Review of the Literature. 5. Next, very briefly, attempt to identify how the literature explains these variables and their relationships to other variables. Include as many as possible variables because this will help in constructing a literature map. The map will show relationships between the variables as you describe here. – Begin with the following: The causal variables (independent are) †¦ The effects (dependent/outcome variables are†¦ Contextual (intervening or mediating) variables that further impact the dependent or outcome variables are †¦. 6. Discuss how the topic area was identified and your reasons (point of view) for selecting the topic area to conduct your critical analysis of the literature. Review the Guidelines: How to Start Select a Topic and Overview and Purpose, including purposes identified by Bourner (1996). Begin with the following: The topic area of ____ was selected because___. 7. Explain what you want to know about the topic. Review Hart, 1999, p. 14 (Questions the Review Can Answer). Begin with the following: Some questions to be answered through this critical analysis of the literature are:†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 8. Answer the following: Is the topic about the problems in a discipline or field of study, the processes in a discipline or field of study, or the practices in a discipline or field of study? Processes can refer to various epistemologic processes to develop knowledge (also See Hart, 1999, p. 14). Introduce this clearly so the reader knows what you are speaking about. Begin with the following: The problem area of †¦ is about†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 9. Conclude the Overview and Purpose with a clearly formulated statement of purpose of the literature review. Use the examples in the guidelines, as a guide to develop this. Make this clear (see examples in the previous lecture note). Begin with the following and include the ending The purpose of this †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.., and to identify areas of future scholarly inquiry. Organization of the Review, Scope, and Library Research Plan Organization of the Review Lecture Collect appropriate articles, read critically, identify concepts, theories, and themes, and think about the best way to present your topic. Write these concepts, theories, and themes down (see your Blackboard forum 5 submission and instructor response. Develop a Literature Map. This is a Content Map (Concept Map or Mind Map): All students will have a literature map that will guide the organization of the review and literature search. Build (draw) a visual picture of the concepts and their relationships, which results in a literature map. These evolve from your topic, key concepts, ideas, theme, and/or purpose. Don’t introduce new information or concepts. It should first be introduced in the overview. The literature map is presented in-depth here. There are many methods to organize the review, which often change as you learn more about the topic. Concept Mapping Representing information in diagram form where key words are linked by lines. These lines are then labeled to express the relationship between the terms. The resulting map shows links between key ideas and can then be read through to clarify relationships between key terms. a. Definition and Purpose of a Literature Map. This map is a visual/graphic representation of concepts, ideas, and themes that serve to guide thinking. In this case, the purpose is to guide the search and organizational presentation of your review. This map serves to: i. Develop ideas for your review ii. Show relationships and interrelationships between the concepts, theories, and themes – and if so, what type of relationships iii. Assist in organizing old knowledge and integrating it with new knowledge iv. Guide your literature search plan/strategy v. Identify subtitles (subheadings) to organize your literature review so that you can communicate your ideas systematically. vi. A literature/content map is a creative, intuitive, and artistic endeavor to see how things fit – to generate alternatives. It is also analytical and critical, based on what you are finding in the literature. REVIEW THESE LINKS A simplified explanation of understanding of a Content map is described in the following URL – web link – http://users.edte. utwente. nl/lanzing/cm_home. htm b. Various types of Graphic or Visual Organizers (review this online. Click each box) (you need to have the syllabus downloaded and Internet connection on) |Chain of Events |Clustering |Compare/Contrast | |Continuum |Cycle |Family Tree | |Fishbone |Interaction Outline |Problem/Solution | |Spider |Storyboard |Venn Diagram | Source: http://www. sdcoe. k12. ca. us/score/actbank/sorganiz. htm Other Web sites: Graphic or Visual Organizers Graphic or Visual Organizers: A good site review this online by clicking link. http://edservices. aea7. k12. ia. us/edtech/classroom/workshops/organizers. html http://www. cast. org/ncac/index. cfm? i=3015 http://www. veale. com. au/phd/files/Lit_Map. pdf Some diagrams of content maps are depicted in the following URL web link http://trochim. human. cornell. edu/research/epp2/epp2. htm#Table1 Free Mind Mapping Software (Smart Draw) http://www. smartdraw. com/specials/mindmapping. asp? id=13054 Readings on Mapping Ideas: See Hart, 1999, pp. 142-162 Blackboard’s Assignments Toolbar: See example of literature maps in Assignments – Weeks 1-8 Literature Review (Critical Analysis) 50%. Within this folder is information on PowerPoint Presentation and Student Examples. Most of the student examples include literature maps for RES 702 (RES600) students. Organizing the review of the literature by themes, theories, or major concepts and related concepts provides a â€Å"frame for the central topic† to organize. In this case, you may proceed inductively or deductively. http://trochim. human. cornell. edu/kb/dedind. htm Exercise in Deductive/Inductive thinking: http://www2. sjsu. edu/depts/itl/graphics/induc/ind-ded. html#3b For example, a deductive approach might start with the broader view or concept(s) then move to the specific topic area. Example FOLLOWS: A literature map (Figure 1) is used to guide the library search for theoretical and empirical literature about distance learning. The map shows a deductive pattern of the major themes, using an â€Å"interaction line style† type of graphic organizer. Beginning with the broadest concept of distance education, web-based instruction interacts with student characteristics, which leads to evaluation of effectiveness of web-based instruction in distance education. . . . Other concepts and their relationships to guide the review are . . †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Other Organizational Methodologies for Reviews: While RES 702 students are asked to develop literature maps that serve to organize the review, with more scholarly experience and depending upon the topic, you could also present the Review using an â€Å"opposing view† or â€Å"methodological approach†. This is not expected now. c. The literature map generates an outline for the Review of the Literature Review â€Å"Why do an Outline, and Basic Outlining skills: http://www. und. edu/instruct/wstevens/PROPOSALCLASS/PATRAS. html http://www. mnstate. edu/wasson/ed603/ed603lesson5. htm An outline provides a blueprint, skeleton, or a roadmap for the final written review. An outline is an organizational process that is a logical description of the important components of the literature review. It provides a visual and conceptual design for writing. 1. Identify the main points in the order they should be presented. 2. Differentiate each main heading into logical subheadings. 3. Use further subdivisions if necessary. IT IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED THAT YOU INCLUDE A SECTION ON MEASUREMENT OF YOUR MAJOR VARIABLES. REPORT SOME OF THE MAJOR METHODS, TOOLS, OR INSTRUMENTS THAT HAVE BEEN USED IN PRIOR STUDIES TO MEASURE THE KEY CONCEPTS IN YOUR OUTLINE. Notice in the outline that follows, a sub-level heading is measurement of leadership and organizational performance. In the Review of the Literature section, you would then describe the tools whether qualitative or quantitative, and reliability, validity (quantitative tools), and trustworthiness of qualitative tools. Run a Proquest or Google search such as: â€Å"measurement leadership†. This saves you time in the QP and literature in the †dissertation† where you need to know how your variables have been studied and measured. It is best to have MORE detail in these themes. You can always change later. Example of an Outline: (Let us say that the following concepts are present in the literature map which could be Chain of Events, Clustering, or Interaction Outline. This is an example of an outline (quite detailed). It includes the major concepts that can be used for the literature search, and the outline is placed in the 2nd part of this Review (Review of the Literature) to organize how to present the literature. Leadership Classical, Progressive, Risk Leadership Theories Traits and Characteristics of Leaders; Leadership, Power and Influence; Gender and Equity Issues in Leadership Practice Cultural Issues and Leadership Developing Teams Leading Organizational Change Organizational Leadership Development; Strategic Leadership Leadership Measurement Organizational Performance Dimensions of Organizational Performance Organizational Climate Individual Performance Team Performance Supplier/Vendor Perspectives Customer Satisfaction Financial Performance Effectiveness Indicators Performance Driven Organizations Competency Modeling Managing Performance 360 Degree Feedback Collaborative Change Organizational Performance Measurement: Output (Activities) and Outcome (Results) Measures Factors Influencing Organizational Performance Leadership and Performance of Organizations Leadership Style and Team Performance Leadership Style and Organizational Outcomes Leadership Style and Vendor/Supplier and Customer Satisfaction Transformational Leadership, Organizational Culture, and Organizational Effectiveness 7 Instructions for Writing the Organization of the Review Do not present literature that you reviewed here. Just respond to questions 1-7. 1. After you design the literature map, begin with the statement: A literature map (Figure 1) is used to guide the library search for theoretical and empirical literature in this review about ___. 1. Next, describe the specific type of organizer that you used to design your map (for example, cluster, chain of events, cycle, etc). To do this, you need to review this syllabus on line, and click the different URL links of examples of visual or graphic organizers (review preceding lecture which provides several types). 2. Identify the specific the concepts, theories, and themes that are in your literature map. 3. Next, briefly, describe the relationships between these concepts, theories and themes (such as what leads to what? Which are the causal, outcome and/or intervening variables? Are the concepts organized inductively or deductively? This all refers to the concepts, theories, and themes in your literature map. 4. Next explain that in addition to guiding the literature search, the literature map serves to identify themes, theories, and concepts that will organize the Literature Review. Present these theories, concepts, and themes in outline form, differentiating each main heading into logical subheadings. (Keep it simple). 5. Due for draft 1, go to the next major section (Review of the Literature) – insert these themes/concepts as level headings/sublevel headings in outline form. They serve to organize the Review of the Literature. Use appropriate APA (see p. 113 of APA) level headings. An example using APA level headings, is shown in the next major section of these guidelines. The concepts and themes for the example, uses the outline of themes previously discussed (leadership and organizational performance). 6. Insert the Figure 1, Literature Map at the end of this discussion of the Organization of the Review (before Scope and Context). a. Make sure that you develop your literature map in a software application that can be copied and pasted into your Microsoft word document containing your paper. b. Make sure the map is an appropriate size and fits within the required paper margins. c. The Figure and #, and Title (Literature Map) belong at the bottom, centered: Figure 1 Literature Map Your goal is to have the map well-developed in draft 1 and finalized in (draft 2). It is expected that this map will change as you â€Å"tighten† and â€Å"organize your literature review in the next section† as well as well as in your qualifying paper. Refine this part with each new draft (and particularly as your literature map evolves). Scope and Context Lecture This section lets the reader know what is and is not included in your literature review (scope). The topic is described in such a way that an appropriate context for the review of the literature is established, in a meaningful, logical way. The key terms here are included/excluded. You can restate the theories, concepts and constructs that you will include and obvious theories, concepts and constructs you won’t include (Look at your problem and topic area). Identify what might be included in the search in terms of types of organizations (public/private; for-profit, not for profit; service/product; types of businesses, types of educational institutions); populations such as young versus old; gender; cultural groups; countries; or type of occupation. The major types of scholarly literature to review are: empirical studies, review articles (critical analysis), theoretical articles/books, methodological articles, and case studies. These types of literature may be in the form of a book, hard copy journal articles, and electronic journal articles. The following are different types and forms of literature: Periodical Abstract in a primary source, Abstract in a secondary source, Periodical (hard copy), Periodical (electronic), Non-periodical (Book), Non-periodical (chapter in a book), Proceeding of meetings or symposia, Doctoral Dissertations (including abstracts), Unpublished work, Audio-Visuals, Newspaper, Government documents, and Electronic Media. 5 Instructions for Writing the Scope and Context 1. As you write this, discuss what is and is not included. Regarding the topic or problem area, discuss what is and is not included in terms of concepts/theories, applications to different populations and settings. 1. Identify the forms (not types) of publications that are included. You don’t need to name specific articles, but identify the forms of literature to be included. 2. Identify the discipline(s) you are focusing in (e. g. , education, health, business, criminal justice, accounting, sociology)? Included specialized areas within these disciplines, such as: gender theories in sociology, accounting ethics, special education for specified populations, urban violence, etc. 3. Identify the scope in terms of the years (period of time) that your literature review covers and exclusions. 5. Discuss whether you are limiting your review to U. S. literature, and/or Global literature. For global literature, identify the â€Å"countries†. If seminal books are emphasized, include the titles. Refine this part with each new draft (and particularly as your literature expands). Library Research Plan and Strategy Lecture THIS IS THE PLAN, NOT THE REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE!! The review is presented in the second major section (Review of the Literature) Searching the Literature: A good review of the literature is dependent upon knowledge of the use of indexes and abstracts, the ability to conduct exhaustive bibliographic searches, and ability to organize the collected data meaningfully. Information literacy skills assist with information seeking and retrieval methods and scholarly communication. Recognize scholarly and peer reviewed journals (See Week 1 Lecture). The e-Learning tutorials about Lynn Library can assist research students with the development of literature reviews using electronic databases, abstracts, bibliographic software, Internet searching, Library catalogue searching, subject resources, off-campus searching, and research and writing skills. You need to complete the tutorials. Library Research Plan/Strategy: In reporting your library plan/strategy, identify concepts, themes (key words) or descriptors and search the relevant databases for research on your topic. Be consistent with the Literature map concepts and themes. Focus your search on primary scholarly works including: empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological inquiry. Recognize the differences between these types of scholarly inquiry. Review dissertation abstracts. Did you do a Lynn Library catalog search on the topic (at Lynn)? Did you search selected journals? Did you limit the search to peer-review journals? Did you limit the search to certain years? If you are having difficulty in your library search, you may make an appointment with the Reference Librarian who may assist in building effective search strategies. When visiting the Library, you should come prepared with your search words. Requesting Materials: It is suggested that you read the abstracts before requesting the materials from the Librarian, because certain abstracts may provide enough information to help you make a decision on the material’s relevance. Expect that you will obtain more literature than you will need to include in your literature review. Quantity, however, is not as important as selecting appropriate literature, that is of value and relevant. While many published review articles may have more than 100 cited references, due to time constraints in the course, the expectation is a minimum of 20 â€Å"relevant†, scholarly citations in the text of your paper. Do not go overboard. Quality and relevance is what counts. Don’t use references from â€Å"consulting firms† or firms that are â€Å"promoting† their products or services. Look for scholarly publications. Types and Forms of Literature: Minimum Requirements i. The preference is that you review a variety of types and forms of literature so that you many learn to: ii. Search for and evaluate different types and forms information iii. Integrate a variety of types information in the text of your paper iv. Recognize classic (seminal) works as well as current literature Give yourself time to read the material; do not make a library request for everything at once. Readings: Search Strategy worksheet: http://library. humboldt. edu/infoservices/sstrawrksht. htm http://www. noodletools. com/debbie/literacies/information/5locate/adviceengine. html http://www. lynn. edu/clientuploads/Library/Graduatestudentsmanual. doc 11 Instructions for Writing the Library Research Plan and Strategy In a Review, a discussion of the plan or strategy you used to develop your literature search is presented. Don’t discuss what you â€Å"will† do, but rather â€Å"what you did†. 1. Identify the descriptors (concepts, themes, theories, phrases/key words) used to search the relevant databases for research on your topic. Include â€Å"themes† or groups of words used in the search plan. Add the terms â€Å"theory† or â€Å"research† to your themes when you are searching. You should uses many â€Å"themes† to limit the search. Example of a theme for a library search: â€Å"leadership organizational performance research†. Try to include several themes. 2. Report databases used in your library search. 3. Indicate which of the following types of primary scholarly works were reviewed: empirical, theoretical, critical/analytic, or methodological inquiry (aim to obtain all of these)? 4. Were secondary citations of references used in your paper? Explain Why? Review APA p. 247 to understand a secondary citation of a source. Remember that these need to be limited. In your dissertation, you need to mostly use primary sources of literature. Remember that if you report literature from secondary sources in your paper use (as cited in __). 5. Explain if you reviewed dissertation abstracts (yes/no). If so, on what topics, which abstracts? You should use these. 6. Explain if you did a Library catalog search on the topic (at Lynn or where? ) Yes/ or no 7. Provide the titles of the key journals reviewed. (Put these titles in Italics). 8. Indicated whether or not you limited the search to peer-reviewed journals? 9. Indicate if you limited the search to certain years? If so, which years? 10. Refer the reader to the example of a library Search Print-out that you will place in Appendix A. 11. Report any problems encountered in your library search and how these problems were managed. Refine this part with each new draft. Interest, Significance, and Rationale for the Critical Analysis Lecture In this last part of the introduction to the literature review, you explain the importance and significance of the Review that will follow. As you read more, you will find more rationale as to why this review is important. Provide a transition sentence from this Introduction to the Review of the Literature. Then end with a statement that explains how the Review will conclude in the Discussion section. Example of concluding statement: As an emerging method of instructional delivery in higher education, and one that continually evolves with the growth in technology, it is important to understand its impact on learning, retention, instruction, and students. This critical analysis of the literature concludes with a summary and interpretation of theoretical, empirical, and methodological literature, conclusions, and recommendations for future scholarly inquiry into web-based instruction in distance education. 4 Instructions for Writing the Interest, Significance, and Rationale for the Critical Analysis 1. Discuss if the topic is of limited interest, regional, national, or perhaps of global interest? Explain why? You can include personal interest based on experience and potential applications. 2. Describe why it is worth studying (or examining)? 3. Indicate that the presentation of the Review of the Literature follows 4. Develop a concluding statement (see example above, in lecture) to the effect that a synopsis and interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are presented at the end of the review in the discussion section. Refine this part with each new draft. Review of the Literature About ___ (add your topic) Lecture This is the second major part of this critical analysis. This has a long lecture. Now is the time to write â€Å"your in-depth Literature Review†. You laid the foundations for this section in the Introduction to the Review, to organize your review according to those themes. Present the theoretical literature (theories, model, constructs, concepts) about those themes, and empirical literature (studies) regarding those themes, in a proper manner. Follow the instructions (see presenting theoretical literature, and presenting empirical literature) in this Review of the Literature section. If you present the literature appropriately in this body of the review, then you will have information to present in the Discussion of the Literature. If you don’t, this Review falls apart. Only literature presented in this Review of the Literature can be analyzed in the next section, Discussion of the Literature. You will save a stitch in time, if you follow instructions and learn how to present theories, and how to present studies, including the authors stated limitations and recommendations for future inquiry, in addition to your critique of those studies. †¢ General comments: The theoretical and empirical literature is summarized, analyzed, evaluated, and synthesized in a more in-depth â€Å"coherent† manner within organized headings and sublevel headings. Specifically, information pertaining to theoretical, empirical, methodological, critical review, and case studies about the topic is reported. As reported previously, expect that you will obtain more literature than you will need to include in your literature review. Quantity, however, is not as important as selecting appropriate literature to present, that is of value and relevant. While many published Review articles may have more than 100 cited references, due to time constraints in the course, the expectation is a minimum of 20 â€Å"relevant†, scholarly citations in the text of your paper. This will increase to 50 references in the qualifying paper. It certainly isn’t unusual to have over 100 references in a dissertation. Do not go overboard. Quality and relevance is what counts. Don’t use references from â€Å"consulting firms† or firms that are â€Å"promoting† their products or services. Look for scholarly publications. As you present literature in your â€Å"word† document, it is okay to talk to yourself. Make notes in the document to your self. You can use different font colors or highlights for these messages to yourself. o Perhaps you want to leave a message to yourself to review a particular article that you didn’t yet have the chance to review, or o you want to search another theme. o Or you read an article, but didn’t have a chance yet to write about it – jot down notes o Use the word file as a tool where you keep all information in one place. You will find this technique very helpful in developing the qualifying paper, and in developing the your dissertation. The instructor does not mind (and in fact encourages you do to this, even in final copies0. Just make the messages â€Å"neat† – and not to distracting) Of utmost importance, is that you present your review appropriately. Practice doing it correctly immediately or you will be WASTING time (having to redo it later). †¢ Your review must be organized within the headings/sublevel headings. Insert the outline developed in the Introduction to the Review. Make sure that the outline is consistent with the organization of themes, concepts add theories in your literature map. †¢ It is ok if you reorganize or rename the themes, but make the changes if the Organization of the R (and literature map, in the prior section). You want the Introduction to the Review, Review of the Literature, and the Discussion section all to be â€Å"internally consistent† with one another. †¢ Instructions follow on how to present CRITICALLY present, theoretical and empirical literature. FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Quotations and Paraphrasing and Critical Analysis †¢ This is a literature review, and not your opinion.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Telecommunications and Networking Report :: Telecommunications Technology Essays

Telecommunications and Networking Report 1.â€Å"Free Web Services Challenge AOL’s Dominance† - Internet business analysts generally are not yet convinced of the viability of the free web service business model for bring profitable. None-the-less, most agree that the free access will probably take a significant chunk of AOL’s market share before running out of investor’s money. 2.â€Å" Builds White Pages for Web Phone Calls† - has unveiled plans to simplify the routing of phone calls over the Internet. They will provide a directory service which will provide subscribers with a unique 12 digit Internet phone number. The directory will capture user’s current IP address and update their database, serving as a switchboard for Internet phone calls which are routed over IP. This solves a major problem with the fact that IP addresses change for users as they move from computer to computer. 3.â€Å"Cisco to But Software Maker for $325 Million† – Cisco Systems agreed to acquire WebLine Communications, a software maker producing e-mail routing and collaborating software. WebLine is to be assimilated into Cisco’s Applications Technology Group. This was Cisco’s 12th acquisition this year. 4.â€Å"Firm Agrees to Purchase Cable-Modem Technology† – Intel agreed to purchase the cable modem technology of Stanford Telecommunications, Inc. The deal puts Intel face to face in the marketplace with Broadcom Corp., which currently holds the majority market share for cable modem chips. 5.â€Å"Qualcomm Pact Targets Wireless Network Products† – Lucent Technologies signed a development agreement with Qualcomm to product wireless networking equipment. Qualcomm will give its CDMA technology, including chips and software to Lucent. Lucent plans to have trial systems utilizing the technology in place next year. 6.â€Å"MCI Worldcom, Sprint Ponder Merger† – The world’s second and third largest long-distance carriers are in talks are in talks over a possible merger. The deal would give MCI it’s only nationwide wireless network. An obvious stumbling block over such a large telcom merger would be close scrutiny by regulators. It is also expected that regional Bell companies may soon have permission to compete in the long distance market as well. 7.â€Å"Earthlink and MindSpring to Merge, Forming No. 2 Internet Access Firm† – This deal makes the new Internet Provider second only to AOL. The combined company will have 3 million subscribers, still a far cry from AOL’s 18 million, but none-the-less a viable competitor. 8. â€Å"Teledesic ‘Sky Internet’ May Start Sooner† – Teledesic chief Craig McCaw is attempting to raise funds for his planned ‘Sky Internet.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Colonization of Modern Africa :: Colonialism Imperialism

The Colonization of Modern Africa Many of today's distant countries are underdeveloped or not developed at all. People are going through famine and even dieing of starvation. These countries have demanding governments, and not enough money. Many countries with in Africa are just like this. The colonization of modern Africa has had many life changing effects on the people of Africa. Some of the effects of colonization are on the governments, the farming system, and the educational value. Colonization has greatly effected the governments of Africa. Africa gained political independence in the 1950's. Even though political independence was gained there are still many problems with their governments. There is a lack of political experience. Political boundaries, set by the Europeans, have cut across ethnic lines putting diverse people under the same government. This has lead to civil wars. The military is also weak. Just like the government, the farming in Africa is affected by colonization. Africa has many different forms of farming, one of them is Subsistence farming. Subsistence farming is when one farms for just for his family or village. Another type of farming is Commercial farming, or organized farming as a business. There is also Shift farming, which is when a farmer moves every one to three years to find better soil. Only two-fifths of Africa has arable land. Many farmers go hungry or bankrupt because they become dependent on one cash crop. Unlike the government and the farming problem of modern Africa, there are many good effects of colonization. Education has had many good effects like the new schools built and universities. People are furthering their educations and getting better jobs. There are so many more opportunities for people with a higher educations. The Colonization of Modern Africa :: Colonialism Imperialism The Colonization of Modern Africa Many of today's distant countries are underdeveloped or not developed at all. People are going through famine and even dieing of starvation. These countries have demanding governments, and not enough money. Many countries with in Africa are just like this. The colonization of modern Africa has had many life changing effects on the people of Africa. Some of the effects of colonization are on the governments, the farming system, and the educational value. Colonization has greatly effected the governments of Africa. Africa gained political independence in the 1950's. Even though political independence was gained there are still many problems with their governments. There is a lack of political experience. Political boundaries, set by the Europeans, have cut across ethnic lines putting diverse people under the same government. This has lead to civil wars. The military is also weak. Just like the government, the farming in Africa is affected by colonization. Africa has many different forms of farming, one of them is Subsistence farming. Subsistence farming is when one farms for just for his family or village. Another type of farming is Commercial farming, or organized farming as a business. There is also Shift farming, which is when a farmer moves every one to three years to find better soil. Only two-fifths of Africa has arable land. Many farmers go hungry or bankrupt because they become dependent on one cash crop. Unlike the government and the farming problem of modern Africa, there are many good effects of colonization. Education has had many good effects like the new schools built and universities. People are furthering their educations and getting better jobs. There are so many more opportunities for people with a higher educations.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A conflict of interest Essay

A conflict of interest is defined as a conflict between the professional or personal interests and needs of a health care provider and his or her professional responsibilities toward a patient or other consumer (financial gain based on a particular outcome or use of one drug rather than another). (Partners Healthcare states that â€Å"A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgment or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest.† Our textbook defines a conflict of interest as â€Å"when someone has multiple obligations that demand loyalty, and decisions based on these loyalties are different or in conflict† (Page 180) Partners Healthcare has an array of examples of conflicts of interest. Some being 1- â€Å"Receiving consulting fees from a company while performing clinical research on the company’s technology.† 2- â€Å"Accepting a gift from a vendor† and 3- â€Å"Participating in institutional purchasing decisions about products made by a company in which you hold stock.† — This presents a conflict that is always unacceptable. In order to minimize conflicts of interest in managed care the dual interests present in the relationships among MCOs, members and physicians has to first be acknowledged. This awareness permits avoiding or minimizing them. An ombudsman or consumer relations specialist can assist members can decrease conflicts of interest by assisting members and deal with their concerns. (Page 181) The role of a manager are expected to expectations: to focus on the welfare of those receiving care; maintain professional competence; maintain professional posture, holding paramount the interests of facility and residents; and meet the responsibilities to the public, profession, and colleagues. Managers must be aware and take steps to prevent or minimize potential or actual conflicts of interest. This could be through developing and maintaining high ethical standards in the profession, including searching out those who knowingly engage in conflicts of interest and educating those ignorant of them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Sofia Kovalevskaya, Russian Mathematician

Sofia Kovalevskaya, Russian Mathematician Sofia Kovalevskayas father, Vasily Korvin-Krukovsky, was a general in the Russian Army and was part of Russian nobility. Her mother,   Yelizaveta Shubert,  was from a German family with many scholars; her maternal grandfather and great-grandfather were both mathematicians. She was born in Moscow, Russia, in 1850. Background Known for: first woman to hold a university chair in modern Europefirst woman on the editorial staff of a mathematical journal Dates:  January 15, 1850 - February 10, 1891 Occupation:  novelist,  mathematician Also known as:  Also known as: Sonya Kovalevskaya, Sofya Kovalevskaya, Sophia Kovalevskaia, Sonia Kovelevskaya, Sonya Korvin-Krukovsky Learning Mathematics As a young child Sofia Kovalevskaya was fascinated with the unusual wallpaper on the wall of a room on the family estate: the lecture notes of Mikhail Ostrogradsky on differential and integral calculus. Although her father provided her with private tutoring- including calculus at age 15- he would not allow her to study abroad for further education, and Russian universities would not then admit women. But Sofia Kovalevskaya wanted to continue her studies in mathematics, so she found a solution: an amenable young student of paleontology, Vladimir Kovalensky, who entered into a marriage of convenience with her. This allowed her to escape the control of her father. In 1869, they left Russia with her sister, Anyuta. Sonja went to Heidelberg, Germany, Sofia Kovalensky went to Vienna, Austria, and Anyuta went to Paris, France. University Study In Heidelberg, Sofia Kovalevskaya obtained permission of the mathematics professors to allow her to study at the University of Heidelberg. After two years she went to Berlin to study with Karl Weierstrass. She had to study privately with him, as the university in Berlin would not allow any women to attend class sessions, and Weierstrass was unable to get the university to change the rule. With Weierstrass support Sofia Kovalevskaya pursued a degree in mathematics elsewhere, and her work earned her a doctorate sum cumma laude from the University of Gà ¶ttingen in 1874. Her doctoral dissertation on partial differential equations is today called the Cauch-Kovelevskaya Theorem. It so impressed the faculty that they awarded Sofia  Kovalevskaya the doctorate without examination and without her having attended any classes at the university. Looking for Work Sofia Kovalevskaya and her husband returned to Russia after she earned her doctorate. They were unable to find the academic positions they desired. They pursued commercial ventures and produced a daughter as well. Sofia Kovalevskaya began writing fiction, including a novella Vera Barantzova which won sufficient acclaim to be translated into several languages. Vladimir Kovalensky, immersed in a financial scandal for which he was about to be prosecuted, committed suicide in 1883. Sofia Kovalevskaya had already returned to Berlin and mathematics, taking their daughter with her. Teaching and Publishing She became a privatdozent at Stockholm University, paid by her students rather than the university. In 1888 Sofia Kovalevskaya won the Prix Bordin from the French Academie Royale des Sciences for research now called the Kovelevskaya top. This research examined how Saturns rings rotated. She also won a prize from the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1889, and that same year was appointed to a chair at the university- the first woman appointed to a chair at a modern European university. She was also elected to the Russian Academy of Sciences as a member that same year. She only published ten papers before her death from influenza in 1891, after a trip to Paris to see Maxim Kovalensky, a relative of her late husband with whom she was having a love affair. A lunar crater on the far side of the moon from Earth and an asteroid were both named in her honor. Sources Ann Hibner Koblitz. A Convergence of Lives: Sofia Kovalevskaia: Scientist, Writer, Revolutionary. 1993 reprint.Roger Cooke. The Mathematics of Sonya Kovalevskaya. 1984.Linda Keene, editor. The Legacy of Sonya Kovalevskaya: Proceedings of a Symposium. 1987.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Juvenile Death penalty essays

Juvenile Death penalty essays Are Juveniles too young and underdeveloped physically and mentally to be sentenced to death for the murders they commit? Or do they really know what the thoughts are going through their head and the consequences for the actions they take regarding the thoughts they are thinking? Could it be the genes they were born with made them commit the crimes, or it was that they grew up in poverty and had no other choice but to become criminals? With all these reasons and excuses should they still be sentenced to the death penalty for crimes committed by minors under the age of 18, and in some states 21 years of age? Thirty-nine out of the fifty states in America authorize the death penalty, out of those thirty-eight only twenty-three allow offenders who commit murder under the age of eighteen be sentenced to the death penalty. The minimum age for the death penalty varies from state to state. Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Idaho, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nevada, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia all have a minimum age of sixteen to be sentenced to death. The states with the minimum age of seventeen are Florida, Georgia, New Hampshire, North Carolina and Texas. In Connecticut, New York and North Carolina all offenders sixteen years of age and older are tried as adults. All suspects seventeen years of age and above are tried as adults in Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin. (DPIC) The first known execution of a juvenile was Thomas Graunger, from Plymouth Colony, Massachusetts back in 1642. A total of 365 people have been executed for juvenile crimes since 1642, 20,000 Americans have been executed since 1608. Only twenty-two of those executions have been made after the reinstatement of the death penalty in 1976. In the 1990s the annual rate went to a consistent 2-3 percent of all sentences, despite the dramatic in...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Italian Verb Participles

Italian Verb Participles The participle is a verbal adjective and very close to the noun. It owes its name to the fact that participates (in Latin partem capit, that takes part) to these categories. In Italian he has two stages, the present and the past. The uses of the present participle as a verb (steering wheel, dormant, remaining) are infrequent in the Romance languages, which forms typically have the function of adjectives and nouns. Imperative for their voice systems is instead the past (ex .: flown, slept, left), which is evident in the formation of compound tenses as the recent past. Different languages ​​like Latin also have a form of the future. The Italian Present ParticipleIn Latin the present participle was once rarely irregular, so this regularity has also been transferred in Italian. It is formed in this way: the endings of the infinitive are replaced by those of the present participle (-ante, -ente -ente.) Irregular forms part, counterproductive, nulladicente, contractor etc. follow the peculiarity of the imperfect indicative; For shapes in -iente, please refer to the item on the third conjugation: participles in -iente. This verbal form generally replaces a relative clause, as the examples: Abbiamo qui una scatola contenente diversi oggetti piccolissimi (che contiene); Si tratta di un uccello proveniente dallAfrica (che proviene); Questa à ¨ una parola derivante dal latino (che deriva). Form of the verb itself, the present participle is rare. More often, the verb in the present participle gives rise to nouns (assistant, teacher, caregiver) or adjectives (heavy, irritating, missing), all cases in which gender is invariable (both male and female). Sometimes can form adverbs (as in, the last word). The derivation process may have originated much during the development of the Italian language, as in the days of the Latin. Survive, including the direct inheritance from Latin, of the type phrases like it or not, even as the words formed from a Latin verb or fallen into disuse: absent from absentem, present participle, see abesse Latin verb (be absent) This present participle formed according to the procedure unlike the previous Still, composed not by obstantem, present participle, see obstare Latin verb (be opposed) In these cases, it is not uncommon that the verb of departure is almost unrecognizable, both in form and in meaning. Returning typically use more verbal, it must be said that in the past was seen much more frequently, as evidenced by various literary sources created during the history of Italian literature. The use form of the verb survives primarily in texts particularly articulated, products in often formal: I contribuenti aventi diritto ad un rimborso dovranno rivolgersi alla banca. Where the nominal style is taken to the extreme (with extreme elaboration of the statement), the present participle is occasionally used to generate a compound shape: in fact using a construct obtained with the present of the auxiliary verb have and the past participle the verb to be conjugated. The result will be something like: Saranno invitati i soci aventi partecipato alle sessioni dellanno precedente. In this case, aventi partecipato represents what in a subordinate clause explicit should be indicated with a relative to the past (that participated), here of a sort of linguistic calque that generates a verbal form non-existent in the system. Compared to participants, the difference lies in the fact that the action is considered to be accomplished. It is syntactic structures of luxury, especially popular in Italian bureaucracy, which often prevents combine to make room instead of ways as the participle and the gerund. A comparable form obtained with the auxiliary be not possible since in these cases the Italian grammar already provides for use of the past participle. The Italian Past ParticipleThe Italian past participle is derived directly from the Latin that was once very irregular, since it stemmed from a subject other than that of the present, that of his back. FORMATION OF THE PAST PARTICIPLEIn Italian the past participle, along with the remote past is the time more irregular. Forms regular endings of the infinitive are replaced by those of the past participle (-ato, -uto -ito.) 1st conjugation -are eg. sing 2nd -ere eg. contain 3rd -ire eg. act past participle -ato (sung) -uto (content) -ito (acted) The verb to be is defective and the past participle form the compound tenses with participle of the verb be (state). As regards the position of pronouns unstressed, see the section other projects. FIRST CONJUGATIONAlmost all the Italian verbs of the first conjugation (-are) is regular. The only exception is the verb do, which originally belonged to the second. The form of the past participle is made, which also feature several compounds (counterfeit counterfeit). SECOND CONJUGATIONVerbs of the Italian verbs second conjugation (-ere) are typically irregular. To distinguish the conjugation is divided into two classes, derived from the second and third Latin conjugation. Verbs in -ere with the vowel and then with the penultimate stressed syllable (as Will) are generally smooth (keep held); there is no shortage, however, exceptions: past participle in -s (Opinion appeared, assert earned); -Im in the past participle (remain left, see seen); As for verbs in -ere with unstressed vowel and then with emphasis on the third last syllable (like writing) regular shapes are few. The main forms are: past participle in -s (melt zone); past participle in -sso (grant granted); past participle in -to (live lived); past participle in -tto (break broken); -Im in the past participle (place place). THIRD CONJUGATIONThe Italian verbs of the third conjugation (-ire) are generally regular. The exceptions are: verbs in -consonante rire form the past participle in -erto (open open, s) offer (s) offered); verbs in -vocale rire form the past participle in -rso (appear appeared); others are totally irregular verbs (die dead come came). DEFECTIVE VERBS AND SPECIAL CASESThey may be missing, in so-called defective verbs, forms of verbs as compete, diverge, exempt, itch, screeching. As for the verb shine, we shined the participle is now disused. Other times you have two forms (happen succeeded, success). The verb happen has two forms with different meanings, a regular succeeded ( substitute) and uneven success ( happen). Similarly provide participles has two different meanings: provided ( supplied) and done ( it has done so). Similarly the verb reflect has two participles of different meaning: thought ( meditated) and reflection ( mirrored). The verb bisognare has the past participle (have been necessary), but the formation of compound tenses is abandoned, especially if used in an impersonal way (eg. It been necessary to go). The Italian Past Participle In ConjugationThe past participle is used primarily for the formation of compound tenses as the past tense or past perfect, in combination with the auxiliary verb essere or avere (I went; I ate). Its proximity to the category of adjective is confirmed by the fact that the conjugated forms with be, like the adjective, should be tuned to the number and gender of the subject to which they refer. Combined with the auxiliary be and come, forms of the past participle of transitive verbs are used to form the bottom: The mouse was eaten; you have not been criticized. Also in this case, the forms should be tuned for gender and number to the subject. There are no female or plural forms of verbs that, despite being intransitive, are married to have (lunch, gossiping). For rules and linguistic doubts on the agreement of the participle (Lucio left me / a, the cream that you have mounted / a, I have not forgotten / a), see chapter on the formation of the recent past. The Italian Past Participle In Subordinate ClausesA specific use of this verb form is found also in the subordination implied. This means that the form of the past participle is replacing a verb. Uscita di casa, Sara si à ¨ guardata intorno. is therefore equivalent to: Dopo che era uscita di casa, Sara si à ¨ guardata intorno. The advantage of this construct is the enormous simplification of the statement. Verbal forms of the participle in the subordinate clause (left home) indicates prior art temporal than that indicated in the main clause (the action indicated by the verb is therefore out front than to look). The function of the participle in the alternative is often to allow the formation of a temporal proposition, as shown in the example just illustrated. In addition to this type of secondary phrase, the past participle can be used with other meanings; remembers the first relative clause implied: Sono state ritrovate le scarpe della ragazza uccisa la settimana scorsa. The subject would otherwise be exposed to a whole implicit explicit subject (la ragazza che era stata uccisa). The past participle is also used in the causal proposition implied: Provocata, la scimmia ha morso lospite dello zoo. where provocata is caused by siccome era stata provocata. There is also a feature of the past participle in the sentence concessiva: Pur se provocata ripetutamente, la scimmia non ha morso lospite dello zoo. The construct is much simpler than type structures Malgrado fosse stata provocata ripetutamente, la scimmia non ha morso lospite dello zoo. The Italian Past Participle in Word FormationAs mentioned, the participle a close fit to the categories of adjective and verb form of adjectives, the past participle is widespread. It may make sense passive (wrong answer; a failed project, a written request) or active (the dead rat). The past participle is also quite common in the formation of nouns: the shock, the scolding, the delegate, the fact, the mass, the state, the race, the course (derived from verb to noun). Often, the words in question are directly derived from the past participle of the Latin form. Also derived from the past participle suffixes -ata and -ato, used for forming words from noun to noun. For example, next to the noun we find the clown antics: female, it is derived indicating mostly action (nudge,) or its result (the spaghetti, the peppers); This contrasts rather a state or a charge masculine nouns formed with the suffix -ato (Marquis, celibacy, protectorate).

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Project Cost Management and Control - Term Project Essay

Project Cost Management and Control - Term Project - Essay Example 8% range for 30-year mortgages, possibly even higher, on or near the second quarter of 2008, so by seeing this situation we have to plan in such a way that the overall project gets a success. The basic aim of this section is to estimate the project cost for the overall project activities. I have decided to divide the project into different section and then estimate each sub task. As I have researched about this way of estimating turns out to be more effective and accurate. My basic aim is to divide the project to root level and estimate the each sub task of this project In this process of estimation I have tried to streamline each aspect of the home construction and incorporate each vital task so that the overall estimation turns out to be accurate. I have estimated the cost $ 25100. An order of magnitude estimates for this project as I have accessed is $ 26000 is approximately. Now we can apply for loan in a couple of local banks to pre-qualify us for the loan(s) we shall need for the project. Now I will present the task responsibility matrix for the overall project activities. Here I will present the main team members name and their responsibilities regarding the project activities. I have accessed these activities from the WBS. Now in this section I will present the Gantt chart of this project. I have used MS Project for this purpose. MS Project is project management tool for different project management activities. I have allocated estimated time to each project activity and ensured that each task have enough time for overall completion of that task. This house is selling for $230,000 and the land costs $30,000, then the construction cost is around $200,000. The home is 2,000 square feet, and then the cost per square foot is $100. This house has kitchen, two bed rooms, a lawn and total 5 rooms. This house is selling for $100,000 and the land costs $50,000, then the construction cost is around $150,000. The home is 5000 square feet, and then the cost per

Friday, October 18, 2019

MRKT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MRKT - Essay Example The 4P’s are product, place, price and promotion. This marketing mix brings together the four elements to yield the desired results in the target market and has been used by companies over the years to overcome the physical barriers that hinder general adoption of a product. This strategy can be use to help my father manage his business in a better way. PRODUCT OR SERVICE The product or service should be in line with the requirements of the public and their prospective customers. It is important to note that with growing market and ever changing customer needs, companies must develop their products and services to stand out in the highly competitive market (Armstrong and Kotler 5). When developing products, it is imperative to consider various aspects including quality, packaging, customer service as well as consequent after sale services. Product differentiation plays an important role at this juncture as it enables products to be noticeable in the market (Armstrong and Kotle r 5). In addition to, product variation enables the company to satisfy the diverse needs of the customers. With regards to services, companies must ensure provision of top notch service that is unmatched in the specific industry to gain prominent in the market place. Companies are advised to review their products often so as to discard obsolete products. This process is referred to as product elimination which ensures maintenance of a fresh and new exciting product line that remains relevant in the market (Armstrong and Kotler 10). It is of great importance to consider other additional features concerning the product that may considerably affect the market (Armstrong and Kotler 3). Companies should choose names that are simple, eye catching and trendy. The name of the product go hand with the packaging and both play a key role in attracting customers. The other essential feature to take into account is the brand name which should be used to market the product or service. Lastly, com panies must establish the appropriate cost of products and find out whether it can adequately yield profits. My father should ensure that the shops and apartments have been designed in an attractive way so as to attract the customers. He should provide additional services such as security and proper hygiene so as to attract and retain customers. PRICE Pricing is a vital element of any marketing strategy. Marketing decisions should be based on a comprehensive research on pricing (Armstrong and Kotler 3). This research offers knowledge on competitors’ prices on similar products in the market and the prospective demand. It helps companies to fix suitable prices for the consumer which has improves overall effectiveness of the marketing strategy. There are several elements affecting the price of a product or service. These include the company’s market share, cost of raw materials, number of competitors in the market and their marketing strategy as well as the consumers†™ perception about the product or service. My father can charge low prices for the rental shops in order to attract customers for the first few months. There are different pricing methods that are employed by companies in the current times. The first is cost recovery pricing which is applied by marketers to ensure that they recover the cost of production (Armstrong and Kotler 15). On top of this, they add a reasonable profit margin to

Wk 8 (31) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Wk 8 (31) - Essay Example When talking to a client it is important to make sure that they are gaining insights into themselves and into their lives. By confronting the discrepancies that come up, a counselor helps the individual find those insights about themselves. Many times the client is not aware of their discrepancies because they are close to the situation. They may be exhibiting behaviors that they have used for a very long time and they may not know that these behaviors are destructive. They also may be attempting to move forward with their lives and not be aware of issues, behaviors or situations that may be stopping them from moving forward. When the counselor does confrontation well, the client is able to get to core issues that may be the reason why they are reacting in certain ways. As an example, an individual may think they are not getting work because of their appearance. In reality, they may not be getting work because they are going after jobs that they do not have the skills for or that are not jobs that they would like. Often clients can sabotage themselves by doing things that are counter to what they need to do to get what they want. In my opinion, confrontational skills are important to use to help the client move forward. They should be used after the counselor has built rapport with the client and when they have developed a comfortable space. Using confrontation too soon can result in losing a client or in creating more barriers for the client to work through. The client must be comfortable with the therapist in order for this skill to work and the counselor must be confident in confronting the client. Sheehy, R. (2002). Counseling skills can help you become an effective helper. The Florida Bar News. Retrieved October 26, 2009 from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Cover Songs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cover Songs - Essay Example This song was re-imagined by the group Scissor Sisters. This essay examines this song in terms of its original compositional elements, as well as its interpretation as a cover song. Pink Floyd’s ‘Comfortably Numb’ is a highly popular song from their Wall record. The song has a number of notable compositional elements. The original version of the song is highly subdued. In this way the song’s rhythm and melody are slow paced and in a down-tempo time form. One considers that the song’s very title has much in common with its musical form, as the reference to numb could directly refer to the state of the individual listening to the song, or as an adjective describing the song itself. There is the consideration that the song’s instrumentation adds to this numbness. Rather than simply relying on guitars and drums, the song incorporates a number of synthesizers and digital components. In the context of the song this is significant as it creates a spa ce-like effect; one notes these space like elements from the very beginning at :05. It seems that the song is not simply composed in a traditional recording studio, with traditional rock and roll influences, but rather adopts futuristic and innovative concepts. These sound elements are not simply linked to the instrumentation but also extend to the vocals. While it is impossible to exactly determine, it seems that the main vocals have been digitally altered, as they take on a futuristic sonorous effect that is like traditional vocal styles. These elements then are combined with traditional rock elements, including drums and guitars. For instance the drums are highly noticeable at 1:28. Still, the implementation of this instrumentation takes on an epic and ballad like form that is unique for the rock style. Ultimately, these disparate components combine to form a highly unique and subdued composition. While Pink Floyd’s version of ‘Comfortably Numb’ is unique and subdued, the Scissor Sisters’ version is more traditional. The cover song implements an up-tempo beat. In terms of instrumentation, there is the clear and distinct use of guitar as the main means of establishing the melody and harmony. This distinct guitar sound is evident from :01. The vocals implemented in the song are created by a female vocalist. This creates a high and sharp sound that has a strong impact on song’s theme. There is an upbeat nature to the song that is carried throughout the melody and refrain. To a large extent it appears that the vocal components in the cover song assume a position of greater prominence than in the Pink Floyd version. In both songs the lyrics are the same; however the way they are articulated is very different. This difference is significant to the point that it affects the songs’ themes. For instance, the lyrics contained in the melody elements can be argued as significantly different in both songs. While the Pink Floyd ve rsion spends a considerable amount of time emphasizing the lines ‘I have become comfortably numb’ this phrase is almost a second hand thought in the cover version. Instead the song’s main hook is found in the vocal patterns leading up to this phrase. As noted, this changes the songs’ themes. The original Pink Floyd version has created an ambient or ‘numb’ theme that is directly reflected in the spacey and ballad-like vocals. This is contrasted with the theme of the Scissor Siste

Leadership in Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Leadership in Nursing - Assignment Example This study will be aimed at addressing the scope and need for development in United Healthcare with the intention to suffice the growing requirements for quality assured medical services within the next decade. Contextually, the study will also exhibit a strategic plan taking into account the aspects of network growth, nurse staffing, resource management and patient satisfaction in order to assist United Healthcare to deliver adequate support to the growing needs of the population. Strategic Planning for United Healthcare United Healthcare has been much concerned towards enhancing its performances by continually delivering proper and effective services to the clients (Patients), especially in the form of health insurance programs. As the organization aspires to improve the quality standards and effectiveness of the medical facilities being rendered to Americans, it becomes highly significant for the company to continually enhance its performances on the basis of particular strategic guidelines. Hence, to meet the rapidly increasing demand of global customers, the organization will need to redesign its strategies in regard to network growth, nurse staffing needs and procedure, management of the resources and quality standards (United Healthcare, 2013). ... However, since the health care needs of the population in America are increasing at a rapid pace, the organization would need to spread its operations or network to a wider extent. In this regard, the unit can establish some more hospitals under its umbrella, especially in the interior parts of the country where lesser numbers of quality health care service providing operators are available. This will further enable the organization to convert its aim of providing quality services to almost every citizen of the country into reality. Furthermore, adding more and more hospitals and health care professionals within its operations will further lead to an enhanced reputation of the organization throughout the country. Spreading its network in the interior regions of the United States, where there are lesser numbers of health care units, will also portray the responsiveness of the organization towards the societal needs; thus, sufficing its vision of responsiveness (United Healthcare, 2013 ; Lighter, 2011). Nurse staffing Nurses are quite a vital part in health care business. As a matter of fact, even though doctors are perceived to be bestowed with the primary role in any of the health care organization or service system, the role and the responsibility of nursing staff are irreplaceable. Nurses are often considered as the ultimate pillars in regard to acquiring maximum customer satisfaction. As stated earlier, with the increase in the demand of the customers for quality services in this sector, the health care units in America are in need to revise their nurse staffing strategies in order to develop an effective set of nursing team that would be able to meet the requirements of the customers with diversity and efficiency. United

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Cover Songs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Cover Songs - Essay Example This song was re-imagined by the group Scissor Sisters. This essay examines this song in terms of its original compositional elements, as well as its interpretation as a cover song. Pink Floyd’s ‘Comfortably Numb’ is a highly popular song from their Wall record. The song has a number of notable compositional elements. The original version of the song is highly subdued. In this way the song’s rhythm and melody are slow paced and in a down-tempo time form. One considers that the song’s very title has much in common with its musical form, as the reference to numb could directly refer to the state of the individual listening to the song, or as an adjective describing the song itself. There is the consideration that the song’s instrumentation adds to this numbness. Rather than simply relying on guitars and drums, the song incorporates a number of synthesizers and digital components. In the context of the song this is significant as it creates a spa ce-like effect; one notes these space like elements from the very beginning at :05. It seems that the song is not simply composed in a traditional recording studio, with traditional rock and roll influences, but rather adopts futuristic and innovative concepts. These sound elements are not simply linked to the instrumentation but also extend to the vocals. While it is impossible to exactly determine, it seems that the main vocals have been digitally altered, as they take on a futuristic sonorous effect that is like traditional vocal styles. These elements then are combined with traditional rock elements, including drums and guitars. For instance the drums are highly noticeable at 1:28. Still, the implementation of this instrumentation takes on an epic and ballad like form that is unique for the rock style. Ultimately, these disparate components combine to form a highly unique and subdued composition. While Pink Floyd’s version of ‘Comfortably Numb’ is unique and subdued, the Scissor Sisters’ version is more traditional. The cover song implements an up-tempo beat. In terms of instrumentation, there is the clear and distinct use of guitar as the main means of establishing the melody and harmony. This distinct guitar sound is evident from :01. The vocals implemented in the song are created by a female vocalist. This creates a high and sharp sound that has a strong impact on song’s theme. There is an upbeat nature to the song that is carried throughout the melody and refrain. To a large extent it appears that the vocal components in the cover song assume a position of greater prominence than in the Pink Floyd version. In both songs the lyrics are the same; however the way they are articulated is very different. This difference is significant to the point that it affects the songs’ themes. For instance, the lyrics contained in the melody elements can be argued as significantly different in both songs. While the Pink Floyd ve rsion spends a considerable amount of time emphasizing the lines ‘I have become comfortably numb’ this phrase is almost a second hand thought in the cover version. Instead the song’s main hook is found in the vocal patterns leading up to this phrase. As noted, this changes the songs’ themes. The original Pink Floyd version has created an ambient or ‘numb’ theme that is directly reflected in the spacey and ballad-like vocals. This is contrasted with the theme of the Scissor Siste

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The evaluation of the consequence to the UK economy for raising or Dissertation

The evaluation of the consequence to the UK economy for raising or lowering the inheritance tax rate - Dissertation Example Taxes are considered as the main revenue source of governments. The evolution of imposing taxes dates back during periods when most governments lack stability and structure. The main purpose of imposing taxes is to fund public spending and is supported by laws and statutes. In most countries, taxes are imposed on revenues obtained by firms and earning individuals. Other forms of taxes such as tariffs, and dues have further expanded the revenue generation activities of governments. The role that taxation plays is critical especially economies that are dependent on taxes. The imposition of taxes is also viewed as one of the ways that balances wealth inequity in countries and ensure better provision of social services. Income taxes serve as the main contributor to the total tax collections made by governments. But other forms of taxes such as sin taxes and estate taxes are also contributing to the coffers of governments. Inheritance taxes have become a popular form of tax in recent times because individuals have learned to invest in both properties and securities. The transfer of wealth because of death provides opportunities for the government to gain more revenues. The existence of inheritance taxes has been subjected to several debates in the United Kingdom. The past three administrations have been also contemplating on reforming the inheritance tax laws. The budget of the government is highly dependent on the amount of tax collected each year. There are countries that develop new taxes just to meet collection targets and prevent the states from running on a budget deficit. The succeeding discussions will tackle the impact of inheritance tax in an economy specifically focusing on macro-economic indicators and statistics. 1.1. Objectives of the Study The primary purpose of the dissertation is to explore on the effects of the increase

Romeo and Juliets Changes Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliets Changes Essay By the end of act 2 Romeo and Juliet have changed considerably from how they were first presented to us. By the end of Act 2, Romeo and Juliet have changed in different ways. It is not evident that the changes they have made are that considerable. Juliet becomes much more mature and less like a young girl. Romeo on the hand, doesn’t seem to have changed as much as Juliet. He does become more responsible and seemingly more mature, but his impulsive behaviour leads to his death. Romeo changes by the end of Act Two in the case of his maturity. He is first presented as a â€Å"lovesick puppy† over Rosaline, although he hardly knew her. He states â€Å"sad hours seem long† which shows him pining over Rosaline, whom he apparently ‘loved’. When he attends the Capulets’ party however, he then claims to have fallen in love with Juliet. This shows that he is a rather â€Å"fickle† character who perhaps doesn’t know the meaning of love. However by the end of Act Two, it seems that he remains firmly in love with Juliet, which shows that he has matured and no longer â€Å"loves only with his eyes†. He also shows more courage and bravery to love Juliet no matter the consequences. His attitude towards his friends changes as well and he is no longer as crude and jovial as them. He shows a more serious outlook on life. Although he does perhaps mature as the play progresses, his immature and impulsive behaviour remains as it was before. This recklessness is what leads to his banishment and death. Juliet is first portrayed to us as mild-mannered and obedient. The images Shakespeare presents us are of Juliet as a young child who is very innocent. As the play progresses however, she is shown to be falling in love with Romeo. This shows that she is maturing and she is now portrayed as a young women and not a little girl. She also defies her parents in marrying Romeo which shows that she now changed from the mild, innocent girl that we first see. She is brave enough not to trust her Nurse after she â€Å"betrayed† her. Her Nurse was previously her best friend and she had trusted her with everything, so the fact that she was able to lie to the nurse and defy her shows that she is no more strong-willed and independent. She advances from an dutiful child to a more mature woman who defies her parents and is braver by the end of act two. Throughout the play, the characters change in maturity and in their attitudes towards their parents and friends. Romeo and Juliet appear to love each other deeply and this is what makes them more mature, rebellious and strong-willed. Although they change in these ways, Romeo still remains impulsive and reckless and this leads to his downfall.

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Whistleblower: Julian Assange

The Whistleblower: Julian Assange Julian Assange is one of the most famous whistleblowers since 2006. Assange is an Australian citizen and the leader of a group that attacks the secret documents of governments by leaking them. In fact, he managed to leak confidential information and data about global financial transactions between different countries and organizations as well as secret operations regarding military and policies. He also founded WikiLeaks as a website where whistleblowers and hackers could have the ability to put stolen information about organizations without having to mention their real identities. The website as well as Assange started to gain fame in most of the houses all over the world since Chelsea Manning contributed in the leakage of data about the American army. Furthermore, hackers were able to put on WikiLeaks a video about shooting Iraqi citizens, who were not armed, by helicopters that belonged to the United States. This video was named Collateral Murder. Since then, the name of Julian wa s mentioned in many fields including poisonous wastes thrown near Cote dIvoire along with operations and procedures regarding detention in Guantanamo Bay. Christodoulou, holly. (2017, February 8). In 2010, whistleblowers on WikiLeaks were able to release more than two thousand documents regarding diplomatic cables. They managed to get these documents from a source without an identity. In addition, these documents were leaked and released after the spread of Collateral Murder video and the documents related to Iraqi and Afghani Wars in 2010. Both documents exceeded more than four thousand documents. It is said that the leakage of such information and data came from a source that belonged to Bradley Manning. As a matter of fact, Manning is an analyst who used to work in the American Army Intelligence. However, he was imprisoned later. A lot of people ask about whether WikiLeaks was able to release confidential documents before or not. In fact, the answer for such question is yes.   In order to succeed in leaking all these amounts of information, WikiLeaks has passed through three stages directly after being created. It is worth mentioning that the first stage involved the rele ase of documents regarding Kenya about eight years ago. During this period, the responsible persons of the website and its management worked according to a wiki model. This model provided readers and loggers with the ability to put information on the website no matter what this information is or these documents are. On the contrary, the website had the authority to determine the kind of documents and whether to accept them or not. The second stage, through which WikiLeaks moved, included the release of Collateral Murder seven years ago. As a matter of fact, a lot of political organization took that video really seriously since it was considered as a political declaration of the brutality of the United States policies. This video was released in order to show and clarify a certain opinion, not in order to inform public about such point of view. Finally, the third stage included the release of diplomatic documents and labels. This stage is happening right now. WikiLeaks managed to hav e connections and strong relationships with organizations in the field of media and news to be able to collect, analyze and publish political documents through using organized ways instead of throwing such diplomatic cables on the internet or implementing them as a source to show a certain opinion. Zittrain, J. (2010). While Julian and other whistleblowers believe that people all over the world are in deep need of WikiLeaks, the governmental authorities and organizations think the opposite. In fact, Assange thinks that these leakages of documents force the governments to be more open and not to hide any secrets. In addition, they encourage those political organizations to respect the public and their privacy along with showing that they are clear and honest. It has to be taken into consideration the fact that WikiLeaks was an anonymous unknown website unless it succeeded in the release of videos like Collateral Murder and Baghdad Airstrike videos. Unfortunately, Baghdad video was released by the website seven years ago and talked about the murder of two reporters, who used to work in Reuters, by American military forces. On the other side, the case is different for the United States. Officials in the American government had the desire to accuse Assange of betrayal and espionage since he has release d private confidential diplomatic cables regarding Pentagon. Actually, the American government believed in the idea that these documents have resulted in the destruction of its national security and foreign affairs with other powerful countries. The WikiLeaks impact the American business journal. (2016). As for how the United States responded to these leakages, it resorted to the policy of power in order to force WikiLeaks and Assange to return back the hacked documents just after the release of diplomatic cables regarding the Afghani War. Moreover, it started along with the British government to condemn these actions because they thought they could lead to the destruction of peoples lives and their privacy. Moreover, a lot of authorities thought these documents to be very sensitive since it touched a lot of top secret political problems and situations. Universities also in the United States have warned their students not to enter WikiLeaks, read any document or put any data in order not to expose their lives to danger. Finally, it is worth mentioning that governments must be very careful while dealing with confidential documents and secure them well so that they could be able to avoid any kind of hacking or any whistleblower who might think of leaking them. Karhula, P. (2012). References: Karhula, P. (2012). What is the effect of WikiLeaks for freedom of information? Retrieved February 15, 2017, from IFLA, The WikiLeaks impact the American business journal. (2016). Retrieved February 15, 2017, from The American Business Journal, Zittrain, J. (2010). Everything you need to know about Wikileaks. Retrieved February 15, 2017, from Christodoulou, holly. (2017, February 8). Who is Julian Assange and why is the WikiLeaks founder wanted by Sweden? Retrieved February 15, 2017, from THE SUN,

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The History of the Holocaust Essay -- World History

Adolf Hitler said â€Å"I believe that I am acting in the accordance with the will of the all Mighty Creator, by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the lord.† This is how he rationalized his malicious acts against the Jewish people in Germany. A horrendous act that would later become known as the Holocaust. The first act toward the holocaust was on January 30th, 1933, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany. Paul Von Hindenberg, the current president of Germany, did his best to keep Hitler out of office, but in the end it wasn’t enough. At that time the Jewish population in Germany was approximately 566,000 people. From that point on things only went down hill for the Jews in Germany. Just a few months after Hitler became chancellor and a mere week after he became the dictator he passed a law ordering a boycott on all Jewish banks, shops, offices, and department stores that would take effect on April 1st, 1933. Then on September 15th, 1935 Hitler passed a series of laws that came to be known as the Nuremberg Laws. The first of these laws was put in place to protect the honor and blood line of the German people. It stated that no Jew would be allowed to marry or participate in marital intercourse with anyone that was not of the same race. The second law robbed the Jewish people of their citizenship. Kristallnacht, also known as the Night of Broken Glass, was a series of attacks on the Jewish people by the Nazi soldiers on the nights of November 9th and 10th, 1938. Nazi soldiers attacked Jewish homes and destroyed their businesses, not to mention the more that 200 synagogues that were burned to the ground. Nearly 100 Jewish people were murdered and approximately 200,000 were sent to concentrat... ...nihilate all the Jews in Germany. Instead Hitler ultimately left us with a lesson to be learned from his narrow minded vision. That lesson is simply this "We are all different; because of that, each of us has something different and special to offer and each and every one of us can make a difference by not being indifferent" Henry Friedman Chairman. Works Cited ïÆ' ¼ N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2015. . ïÆ' ¼ N.p., n.d. Web. march 15 2015. . ïÆ' ¼ N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2015. . ïÆ' ¼ Hill, Jeff. the holocaust. Print ïÆ' ¼ N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2015. . ïÆ' ¼ N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2015. . ïÆ' ¼ N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Mar 2015. .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paul Baumer is the protagonist in All Quiet on the Western Front written by Erich Maria Remarque. Paul changes his values throughout the novel as a result of having to adapt in order to survive. As Baumer struggles to survive the war, he transforms as shown by his thoughts, actions, and the conversations that he contributes in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One way that Paul changes is that his patriotism towards his country about war decreases. Paul is sitting with his men around a fire picking off lice and comparing them before throwing them in the fire. Muller starts to ask others what they would do if and when the war is over. After dwelling on the topic for a while they realized the younger men do not know how to do anything but fight. They joined the war at such a young age that they did not get a chance to explore anything else. â€Å"‘The war has ruined us for everything.’† At the beginning of the novel he is excited about defending his country and destroying the enemy, but after having interaction with soldiers from the opposing side he realizes that they are all the same. They are just soldiers fighting for their countries and eager to get home. Paul’s experience in combat changes his thoughts of war. Because of this, he gains the ability to reflect on the events that happen. His own ideas of war changes when he first witnesses the ugly truth of war. Paul’s first experience in combat reveals to him that everything he was taught as a young recruit are lies. This causes him to make his own conclusions and thoughts about the war. As the war goes on, Paul realizes more and more about the reality of the situation that he is in.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Paul loses his innocence and childhood during the war; as a result, he becomes a man. In chapter seven, there is a scene where Paul, Leer, Kropp, and Tjaden swims. Three French women walk on the river bank. Paul and the others make hand motions with a loaf of bread and spoke in broken French. They make plans to meet the girls later that night. â€Å"We call out to them that we would like to come; sometimes when the guards cannot see us...we assure them that we will bring some with us... and other tasty bits too.† (Remarque 145) Through this trade, Paul uses the women for his urges.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Accidental Death of an Anarchist Essay

Dario Fo’s original play, Accidental Death of an Anarchist has been adapted and transformed an innumerable number of times, to greater or lesser success. Most often, adaptations that involve a modernisation or complete transformation of the play can be seen as less successful as they tend to alter the original so much that the original message and intention of the play is lost. However, often when adapting the play to a modern context, a complete transformation is required to satisfy the requirements of a vastly different audience. Whilst it is difficult for a non-Italian speaker to fully comprehend the message, style and purpose of Fo’s original writing of Accidental Death of an Anarchist, through literal translations and other’s opinions, we can begin to decipher Fo’s original intention in writing such a politically active text. Written in 1970 in response to the â€Å"accidental† death of Pino Pinelli, an anarchic railway worker, in the play Fo writes about real life events in a political framework. His central message undoubtedly revolves around his desire to incite a will to act in his audience. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay As asserted by Joseph Farrel in his introduction to Nye’s adaptation of Accidental Death of an Anarchist, â€Å"it was no part of Fo’s scheme to be unduly subtle in his approach or intentions† and, as Fo himself has said, his aim was to provoke â€Å"laughter with anger†. The central message of Fo’s play is indisputably one of political origins, which highlights the utter corruption of the society in which it is based. However, Fo achieves this aim through the mechanism of farce, for, as according to Joseph Farrel, â€Å"Farce seemed to him [Dario Fo] the most effective means of provoking thought†. It is for just this reason that Fo disguised such a serious, â€Å"hard-hitting† message in the guise of farce, for â€Å"farce was a device which prevented ‘catharsis’†, â€Å"one of the worst dangers†. Fo believes that laughter â€Å"serve[s] a purpose, to grab the attention of the audience†. Nevertheless, Fo does not merely want to â€Å"make them [his audience] laugh, but he also wants them to feel indignant about the cover-ups and miscarriages of justice perpetrated by the Italian police force†. In so doing, the central message of the play challenges the authorities while demonstrating that comedy can be at the heart of truth. The style of Fo’s original play rightly fits under the â€Å"noble and modern† genre of farce, as described by Dario Fo himself. Fo models his characters after the medieval giullare and harlequin from Commedia dell’arte. When the play was originally performed, it was modified on a day-by-day basis, as according to the events uncovered during the trial of Pinelli. Thus, the play also included improvisation and was subject to change according to the audience’s reactions. Furthermore, the play usually contained a â€Å"third act† that involved a debate with the audience in which Fo would discuss the affair and encourage audience participation. Fo’s play generally involved an absence of the â€Å"fourth wall† and actors would often communicate with the audience. In Fo’s original, the madman is the character that, according to Farrell, â€Å"destroys all conventions† and â€Å"does not merely cavort and make fun of the baubles the king wears around his neck, but also of his right to wear a crown at all†. The madman â€Å"exists in a dimension of his own†, however is also the â€Å"personification of reason and public morality†. His primary purpose is to expose the utter corruption and, to a certain extent insanity, of the police force. It is ironic that this task is awarded to a madman. While Fo depicts the policemen as â€Å"smiling and largely benign† buffoons, he ensures that their â€Å"sinister† nature and malicious tendencies are not lost. Fo’s original gives the journalist â€Å"a completely straight part†, for, as according to Fo, â€Å"there comes a point when laughter is no longer necessary†. When translating the play, numerous issues arise that, in some cases, prevent the true meaning of it from being conveyed. First and foremost among these issues is the simple fact that, as stated by Brigid Maher in her article entitled The Comic Voice in Translation: Dario Fo’s Accidental Death of an Anarchist, â€Å"the translation of literature is a cultural act as well as a linguistic one†, which leads to the question, â€Å"how can a play be made to work in the target culture while still retaining some of those qualities that make it a part of the source culture? †. It is undeniable that different ultures understand and endorse different things, resulting in the conclusion that, an adaptation is the best means to ensure the play remains relevant when the culture of the target audience is changing. Many adapters struggle in â€Å"finding a means of communicating to a non-Italian audience the information on political events Fo was able to take for granted with his own audiences†, and thus many have produced â€Å"nothing more than a kind of surreal farce†. Adapters also encounter difficulties when attempting to â€Å"accommodate performance traditions as well as accuracy† and â€Å"ensur[ing] that dialogue is speakable as well as faithful to the original†. The key issue in translating the play lies in remaining faithful to the original: a play of massive political impact that lies well and truly in the genre of farce. This aim of the play, to â€Å"provoke laughter with anger† is difficult to replicate, resulting in many translators of the text â€Å"emphasis[ing] the comedy of the play at the expense of the politics†. Simon Nye’s adaptation of the play, created for Methuen Drama in 2003, seemingly remains true to the original text, although the translation appears to entail a loss of â€Å"anarchism† in the changing of the context and political references. This results in the play losing seriousness, to the extent that its potency is diminished. In Michael Billington’s review of Nye’s adaptation of the play, he states that he â€Å"miss[es] the moral anger that should underlie the madcap zaniness† and that the play is â€Å"torn between reverence for the original and the desire to do a radical re-write†. In essence, this translation of the play is exactly that; while it appears to remain true to the original, changing the political context to relate more to post 9/11 fears of terrorism results in the actual concept of anarchism being lost, taking the tragedy of the death of an innocent man along with it. Gavin Richards’ version of the play, written for Belt and Braces Roadshow Company in 1979, while different to Simon Nye’s, still falls short of being a true translation of the original. In the words of Tony Mitchell, Richards’ adaptation â€Å"distorted the original text, cutting it extensively and adding speeches and stage business which often went completely against the grain of Fo’s play†. The satire of the play is diminished and it appears to descend into the realms of â€Å"slapstick† comedy to obtain â€Å"easy† laughs. Brigid Maher elieves that Richards’ version of the play â€Å"presents not so much an interpretation of the text, as a significant rewriting which in large part misrepresents the â€Å"intention of the text†Ã¢â‚¬ . She believes that Richards’ alterations â€Å"significantly alter the ideology of the text† and that it becomes a play that is â€Å"simplistically funny and has less of an edge of social and political criticism†. Richards appears to miss the point of Fo’s play, that is to â€Å"elicit†¦ not only laughter, but also indignation and impetus to action, and never†¦ atharsis†, especially in his conclusion of the play, in which a cathartic feel is undoubtedly interwoven. Both Nye and Richards elected to alter the name of the madman, â€Å"Il Matto† in Italian, to maniac, and in so doing lost some of the potential meaningfulness of the madman’s speeches. Fo originally depicted the madman as â€Å"cunning, scheming, disrespectful towards authority, quick-witted†¦ incisive in his judgements and scornful of official cant and mendacity†, as described by Farrell. He is supposed to be â€Å"the personification of reason and guardian of public morality†. While in Nye’s translation the maniac maintains this â€Å"reason† and â€Å"public morality† by asserting that the anarchist was â€Å"completely innocent†; according to Jane O’Grady in her review of Nye’s play, â€Å"he [the maniac] doesn’t really enjoy himself enough to transport the audience into hilarity†, with â€Å"laughter† being one of the primary aims of the original play. Nevertheless, the madman maintains his didactic demeanour and endlessly offers attacks on authorities, such as when he tells the inspector to â€Å"stop dumping on people†. In Richards’ play the maniac’s speeches and other important dialogues are short and concise, to the extent that major sections appear to be missing. This is evident in the play when the maniac’s speeches in Nye’s translation tend to extend for pages and involve complex discussions about the politics of the time, including anarchism, to the extent that social class segregation is discussed, in the lines â€Å"There’s an old saying: ‘The squire sets his dogs on the peasants. The peasants complain to the king, so the squire kills the dogs and gets off the hook†. Richards’ play completely omits these references, resulting in a play that appears to value slap-stick comedy and â€Å"easy-laughs† above arousing indignation and â€Å"impetus to action† against the utter corruption of the authorities. Furthermore, the language employed by Richards is both vulgar and exceptionally colloquial when compared to Nye’s adaptation. This is evident in many lines, such as when the maniac is describing the positives associated with being a judge. In Richard’s translation, the maniac says, â€Å"Take your lathe operator- touch of the shakes, couple of minor accidents, out to grass. Coal miner, bit of silicosis and he’s fucked at fifty†, whereas in Nye’s translation, the same speech reads, â€Å"Worker on a production line’s past it at fifty- trouble keeping up, making the odd slip-up, out you go! Your miner’s got silicosis by the time he’s forty-five- off he trots, sacked, before he’s entitled to a pension†. Nye’s maniac appears to have greater intelligence than that of Richards’, which is evident simply because he brings up the thought of a â€Å"pension† at all; a concept that Richards entirely omits, along with many other such references. Richard’s version also omits the section in which the maniac transforms himself into a Bishop, condensing the variety of references in the play and thus the play becomes less politicised. According to Tony Mitchell, Richards often â€Å"reduce[s] the characters to caricatures† and uses a â€Å"highly non-naturalistic, agit-prop form of staging†. Richards â€Å"reduce[s] the police characters to almost racist Italian stooges† and seems to miss the point that in the original, â€Å"despite being bumbling, incompetent buffoons, they are always capable of maintaining an aggressive, threatening front†. Richards ensures that the policemen are reduced to these â€Å"bumbling† fools when he makes them â€Å"crawl around† and bestows them lines such as â€Å"oggy, oggy, oggy, oi, oi, oi! †. Nye also has a tendency to portray the policemen as â€Å"smiling and largely benign† buffoons, and in so doing their underlying â€Å"sinister† nature is lost. However, Nye’s major downfall lies in is his characterisation of the journalist, a character that, in the original has â€Å"a completely straight part† for when â€Å"laughter is no longer necessary†. Nye depicts the journalist as a playful, flirty woman who often participates in the comedy. O’Grady describes this as â€Å"ill-thought out† and thus some of the underlying seriousness of the play is lost. Nye strays from the original when he does not attempt to break the â€Å"fourth wall† and no audience participation is encouraged, whereas Richards remains true to the original in frequently breaking the â€Å"fourth wall†. This is seen in his play when Bertozzo addresses the audience by saying, â€Å"I ought to warn you that the author of this sick little play, Dario Fo, has the traditional, irrational hatred of the police common to all narrow-minded left-wingers and so I shall, no doubt, be the unwilling butt of endless anti-authoritarian jibes†. Nevertheless, it is unclear if this is actually an attempt to remain true to Fo or simply a comedic mechanism to obtain â€Å"easy† laughs, the second of the two more likely due to the nature of the statement and that it is in fact insulting Fo. Richards’ play commences with an introduction that describes the background behind the situation, perhaps as an attempt to replicate the background knowledge that audience members would have been in possession of when Fo’s play was originally performed. However it is Nye that undoubtedly has written a play as close to Fo as any modern adaptation could be. This is evident throughout the play, however is most prominent in his choice of ending. Nye concludes with the death of the maniac, and thus that of another innocent man, and a real judge entering to â€Å"reopen the enquiry into the death of the anarchist†. Contrarily, in Richard’s version of the play, he concludes with two alternative endings, one in which the policemen are killed and the other in which the journalist dies. The maniac concludes the play with the line â€Å"whichever way it goes, you see, you’ve got to decide†, and thus a certain cathartic feel is produced. Dario Fo’s original intention in writing Accidental Death of an Anarchist was undoubtedly to provoke not only â€Å"laughter†, but also â€Å"anger†; an â€Å"impetus to action† against the utter corruption and lies surrounding the Italian police force of the late 1960s. His intention, as he has said himself on numerous occasions, was never to provoke â€Å"catharsis†, and it is for this reason that neither Simon Nye’s nor Gavin Richard’s adaptations of the play are particularly successful. Fo’s discontent with these particular adaptations stemmed from their having transformed the entire message of his play. He believed that the moral anger and potency was missing, the laughs were paramount and that the â€Å"painful immediacy† was lost. As Pissani rightly asserted in Richard’s own adaptation of the play, it consists mainly of â€Å"unheard of distortion to the author’s meaning†. Nevertheless, this loss of potency in the plays can, to a certain extent, be attributed to the problems associated with translations. It is difficult for a non-Italian audience that has not been exposed to the political events of Italy in the 1960s to comprehend Fo’s complex referencing. This ensures that alterations must be made by adapters to account for this, and in so doing, much of the original message of the play is lost. Furthermore, in changing the culture of the target audience, expectations and even humour is changed and thus no adaptation of Fo’s original could ever be a true representation of it. It is not just these alterations in references that cause adaptations of the play to be unsuccessful in the society of today. It is also the simple fact that many audiences are not as politically active or affected as Fo’s original audience, and thus a certain complacency is adopted in our culture. This complacency results in the play being not as successful despite updated references, simply because the political events in the play do not resonate as profoundly with a modern audience. Accidental Death of an Anarchist Essay Q) Critically analyze the Figure of Madman in Dario Fo’s play The Accidental Death of an anarchist. A) Dario Fo’s play The Accidental Death of an Anarchist (1970) lies in the category of revolutionary theatre that challenges the fascist regime of Italy. The play is a farce based on events involving a real person, Giuseppe Pinelli, who fell – or was thrown – from the fourth floor window of a Milan police station in 1969. He was accused of bombing a bank. The accusation is widely seen as part of the Italian Far Right’s strategy of tension. Just like Fo’s other play, this play is also funny and subversive and shows a strong preference for the culture and traditions of the ordinary people and a commitment to the left wing politics. The play moves quickly through a series of farcical situations and exposes the hypocrisy and anti- people character of the bourgeois society and the so called sacred institutions- the police, the judiciary, the religion and the media. The play was originally written and performed in Italian in 1970 and first English translation was done in 1979. Central to the play is the character of The Madman, who is the prime protagonist of the play. Through the story of the madman in a police station Dario Fo has a created a â€Å"classic example of exquisitely political theatre† with a comedy that begins from being realistic, (the stage setting is of a realistic, ordinary police station) moves towards the frankly implausible (the madman, the inspector, the superintendent and the constable singing the song of anarchists in the police station), reaches to the level of grotesque (the constant punching and kicking of Bertozzo by the police officials, and the falling eye) until it ends with a hilarious and ludicrous climax. â€Å"He (the madman) invents dialogue based on a paradoxical or on real situation and goes on from there by virtue of some kind of natural, geometric logic, inventing conflicts that find their solutions in one gag after another in correspondence with a parallel political theme, a political theme which is clear and didactic. You are moved and you laugh but above all you are made to think, realize and develop your understanding of everyday events that had escaped your attention.† – Franca Rame on The Character of Madman in Accidental Death of an anarchist The madman is not just a character in the play, but he acts as a literary device in the play. He provides most of the humor content of the play. The madman is whimsical and he constantly contradicts other characters as well as himself. His series of logical/illogical arguments becomes impossible to tackle and it frustrates the Police Department. Even though being termed as psychologically unfit, the madman appears to be the most intelligent character in the play. He ridicules the police officials for missing out on the basic concepts of English grammar and the use of the most important â€Å"COMMA† that changes the meaning of a sentence. He dictates the terms of law and judiciary to police officials. He is extremely sarcastic. He ridicules the superintendent for assuming the railway man planted the bomb in railway station without any substantiate evidence and sarcastically rebukes the â€Å"kindergarten logic†. The people in power appear to be inhuman and brute in their actions, and the â€Å"sacred† governmental place, the police station appears to be a madhouse or a slaughterhouse. The madman, even though he is mad appears to be the sanest character in the play. In fact, he appears to be directing the play according to his wishes. Suffering from a disease of enacting people, he sees the world as a stage and other people as his fellow characters. He warns Bertozzo that soon he is about to be punched by Pisani and warns him to duck. Bertozzo ignores the directorial warning of the madman. Later he tells the superintendent to stop playing around and â€Å"keep to the script†. The actions of the play move around as the madman says and everyone does what he asks them to. Bertozzo, who defies the madman’s instructions, keeps on getting punched and thrown out. Hence, Fo, in his play, takes the power out from the hands of the police, the judiciary, and the media and gives it to the representative of the lower section of society, the madman. By pretending to be, in turn to be various figures of authority – psychiatrist, professor, magistrate, bishop, forensic expert – the Maniac forces officials to re-create the events with the purpose of showing the inconsistencies in the official reports of Pinelli’s â€Å"leap† and to confess their responsibility in the anarchist’s death. The madman manages to create mayhem within the policeman, representatives of law and order and figures of authority are made to appear ridiculous and a target of laughter. He exposes how people in power are all in collusion to save their own. Now I am about to show some of the theatre/TV productions of the play and give brief comments on how the character of madman operates in them. Firstly, take a look at the 1983 British TV movie that was telecasted on Channel 4. In this production, the original Italian setting is mixed with contemporary references to Thatcher’s Britain. 1) In the beginning itself, various impersonations of the madman are shown pointing towards the crime committed by him. 2) The madman constantly points towards the audience that is standing upwards, and the crew, and chats with them. And he talks to the director about the censorship laws on television in Britain, when the inspector says The â€Å"F† word. (5 minutes 30 seconds). 3) In the play, not only the madman enacts different roles, but the same constable is used on the 2nd floor and the fifth floor and also as a liftman. The madman here is concerned with anti – materialist sentiment as well. The madman remarks about the fact low budget of the show saying, â€Å"Couldn’t they get a different actor to play you? Who’s directing this thing, Ian MacGregor?† (17 minutes) and the Maniac, â€Å"This is commercial television in crisis!† Similarly, in The IIT production of the play, which is performed in India, in Hindi, the references are converted according to Indian settings and sentiments. 1) The University of Padua is converted into University of Patiala. The madman teaches the Hindi vowels to the constable and the policeman. (4:30) (A aa e ee) 2) The police inspector in the 6th minute of the play says to the madman that he’s madder than the madman. As I said above the madman appears to be the sanest of characters in the play. My fair Heathen Productions in their September 2007 production actually used a woman for the role of the madman. Hence the madman is enacting as a madman from the beginning and in fact is a mad woman. This does not bring a significant change to the play, except probably the so called marginalized figure of a madman, becomes a more marginalized figure as in this production it’s a woman, who comes to a male dominated domain and creates havoc in the lives of the men from powerful sections of the society. Hence, different theatre companies have used different types of madman to heighten the message of the play.